America's Color Revolution

This site documents the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic and financial institutions, foreign governments, and other groups that have supported the rash of anti-Israel protests following Hama’s surprise attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

Common themes across the eruption of protests — sometimes legal and sometimes illegal — illustrate an attempt at a color revolution in the United States.

What are Color Revolutions?

Color revolutions are uprisings supported by actors whose interests in protests are not primarily the protest topic. The actors are distinct in terms of demographics, economic class, nationality etc. from the bulk of the protestors. They use their significant resources to leverage a divisive event into self-serving political change that is substantially broader than the original protest topic.

This site presents examples: NGO's with agendas for broad societal change in the US — some of which have a history of executing similar agendas abroad, serial agitators that draw salaries via layers of activist groups and pass-through donation organizations, academics whose focus has shifted from instruction the indoctrination of a specific world view, and individuals and organizations that associate with and advance propaganda of foreign adversary governments.

Why Document this?

We believe in the principals of free speech and assembly laid out in the U.S. constitution. We also believe that the best response to speech you disagree with is more speech that makes your own case clearly. This site makes the case to Americans that, behind the current outbreak of protests, are well-resourced groups with a history or driving for radical social change that most Americans rightly identified as harmful and have come to reject.

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